Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Break All of the Rules to Do a Bottom Good

What does it mean to do a bottom good? Is it just to keep clean and tidy, or can do a bottom good also save $89.44-$104+ a year on toilet paper, increase comfort and wellness, and cut negative impact on the Earth? Today's solutions can do all the above for truly doing a bottom good.

This is one of our now and later ideas, which are ways to save money that goes in three phases. The first phase is the cheapest and easiest, which is the "Get 'er Done" phase.

The second phase, which is the "Do It Well" phase, improves upon the first, but it can be slightly more expensive or may need more time to do a DIY project. The third phase, which is the "You're the Boss" phase, is where you improve upon and customize the idea to best suit your family's personal needs.

Get ‘er Done!

[caption id="attachment_507" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Mama Bear Reusable toilet paper on Etsy[/caption]

For a cheap toilet paper solution, look no further than part-time reusable toilet paper! Reusable toilet paper is simply cloth wipes that you use to dry yourself off after going number 1 or every time you go if you increase to full-time.

Since toilet paper costs $1-$40 a roll and average use is 1-2 rolls per week, you would spend at least $104 on toilet paper per person a year. Reusable toilet paper cost $14.56 per year, if you buy 26 wipes new, wash them every two days with other loads, and use it for 3 years. That's an annual savings of $89.44 a year per person.

These wipes are sterile after number 1 use like your urine is sterile. Have less contact with reusable toilet paper, rather than toilet paper, which seeps through quicker. Enjoy a more comfortable bathroom experience as you clean yourself. 

How to use reusable toilet paper

reusable toilet paper containerlaundry bucket for reusable toilet paper

Keep a container of clean reusable toilet paper near the toilet and bucket to toss used ones into.

If you are using reusable toilet paper for only number 1, you can just add them to another load of laundry every 3 or 4 days.

Advantages of reusable toilet paper

The great part about reusable toilet paper is that it's more absorbent, so if you have little kids who miss the toilet or are potty-training, you can easily wipe up a puddle and toss into the reusable toilet paper bucket. You can buy ready-made reusable toilet paper here.

Do it Well!

[caption id="attachment_518" align="aligncenter" width="300"]homemade reusable toilet paper DIY Wipes[/caption]

If you want to save a little more cash and reuse what you already have, you can DIY reusable toilet paper. Toilet paper costs anywhere from $1-$40 per roll. Cloth wipes made from old fabric are free if you just add them to either a towel load (just for number 1) or to cloth diaper load (for number 1 & 2).

Switching to reusable toilet paper can save $104 on toilet paper per person a year. We just reuse old cleaning cloths/rags that we made from old clothing by cutting them up, without sewing. You could cut them with pinking shears to stop unraveling. It doesn't have to look pretty unless you want it to. 

You’re the Boss!

Once you’ve mastered part-time use, you can adapt reusable toilet paper use for your circumstances and step up your game. Here are some other ideas you can use to save money on your toilet use:

Full-time reusable toilet paper

  • You can switch your reusable toilet paper for full-time use, i.e. the "ickier" times. This will create another load of laundry unless you cloth diaper as well. Simply add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1 cup of baking soda to the load to cut stains, along with your detergent. As number 1 is where the stink is at, this won't cause too much of smell.

    • This is where you realize the luxury of reusable toilet paper compared to toilet paper. You can wet your reusable toilet paper with either cold or warm water. You can even add a little bit of soap and actually wash completely. Imagine that 'I just showered feeling' just when you use the bathroom!

Bidet Attachment to Reduce Your Toilet Paper Use

  • Save up to 75% on toilet paper with a bidet attachmentYou can add a bidet attachment to your toilet to increase comfort for your household as well as your guests'. They'll need less toilet paper, as they'll just use it to dry off, saving you money and saving the Earth. Toilet paper manufacturing wastes several times more water than bidets or washing cloths.

Make your own recycled toilet paper

  • You can make your own toilet paper for nearly free using shredded paper. This is more ideal for guests so that you don't have to make toilet paper as often.

  • Every time, you replace a toilet paper roll, stand on it to avoid any wasteful unraveling.

Reduce your water bill by half

  • cut your water bill in half with composting toiletYou can use a composting toilet, even part-time instead of a flush toilet if you have a place outdoors to build a compost pile. You can put this system anywhere, have an easier toilet to clean (no nooks and crannies), cut your water bill by half with full-time use, create amazing sterile compost, and still keep your flush toilet for guests and bidet (if you install a bidet attachment).

    • The expert writer on creating safe compost with this system is hands down, Joe Jenkins in The Humanure Handbook. You can read it free online, or buy it here. It includes step by step how to build this system, manage it safely, and get the best quality compost for your garden.

Put it all together

Today's solutions can truly do a bottom good by saving you money. Whether it's keeping you more clean and tidy, saving money, reduce the negative impact on the Earth, or increasing comfort and wellness, reusable toilet paper is ideal for doing a bottom well. 

Once you add in a bidet attachment (reducing toilet paper use), DIY guest toilet paper (saving money on recycling and by not buying toilet paper), or a composting toilet (saving money by reducing your water use in half and not buying compost) you can save even more. 

What other positive solutions would you add to help do a bottom good? Be sure to share this post so more people can find eco-friendly ways to save money!

Sign-up for 20 Ways Eco-Friendly Saver Can Help You Save 5 Day E-Course!

Want eco-friendly ways you can start saving money? "Going green" doesn't have to be expensive! As a matter of fact, doing your part for the planet can actually save you $100s a year. Get this FREE 5-day email series delivered to you today! 

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  1. I had not really heard of any of these ideas. Something to think about.

  2. Hi,
    I just hopped by from Homestead Blog Hop to check out your ecofriendly toileting solutions and I shared this wonderful post. These are such useful and inspiring options.

  3. Hi Deborah, thanks for stopping by and sharing. I'm glad that you found the options beneficial.

  4. Hi Donna, thanks for stopping by and sharing. I'm glad that you were able to learn something new.
